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5 Investing Mistakes You May be Making Right Now Thumbnail

5 Investing Mistakes You May be Making Right Now

Investing can seem complex and confusing, and you may wonder whether you're doing all you can to achieve your goals. In this video, Dustin with Mundorf Wealth Management and Erin Kennedy talk through 5 mistakes you might be making and how to turn things around. Here are those mistakes:

  1. Getting out when the going gets tough
  2. Taking on too much (or too little) risk
  3. Not rebalancing your portfolio regularly
  4. Paying too much in taxes
  5. Not seeking professional advice

As for that last mistake, ask yourself: Do I have the skills to do this? Do I have the time to do this? And, maybe most importantly, do I want to do this? If the answer is 'no' to any or all of those, it may be worth asking for some advice. If you'd like a second opinion on your plan, or to find out if you're on track, feel free to reach out to Dustin.  Just text or call the number on the website, or book a free chat by visiting www.LongLiveMyMoney.com

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